Perhaps you hold mutual funds, segregated funds, GIC and other investments elsewhere and feel you are not getting the advice you need. This could be at a bank, credit union, trust company, life insurance company, another financial advisor and so on. Transferring your account holdings to a Sterling account is easy. We do all the paper work and follow-up. The benefit to you is knowing that you have taken the hardest steps to get your financial affairs in order.
Whether it is a RRSP, RRIF, LIRA, RESP, or non-registered account you can benefit from better investment management, advice, and comprehensive service.
Maybe you are part of a group RRSP, defined contribution pension plan or deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP). If your plan permits transfer, you may be able to transfer a significant portion to a Sterling account. This could be especially beneficial if you feel the plan is not progressing as you expect, and want to to benefit from my skill, knowledge and experience.
No matter what your circumstance, Sterling Mutuals accounts allow me to provide the service you deserve.